This critique I chose to do a process critique. With the goals of sizing up and continuing with a limited color palette, I grabbed a 30 x 40 canvas and had my head set on making a blue and orange painting with brown notes in the background.
I began by doing a wash of many different shades of brown as the underpainting with vertical brushstrokes. After this, I wanted to add in some more flow abstract shapes, so I did so with white, black, and a bit of blue. I continued to layer on these marks.

Next I focused on collage. I glued non several newspaper sections in addition to some painted printer paper to create sections of negative space in the work.
After that I knew I wanted to add more color in. I added very bright stripes in one corner. Next I decided I wanted to put in a realistic element to see what I could do wit it later on, so I painted a butterfly. I want to paint many butterflies in this painting.
