In art Q4, my major project was oil painting. We were using the method of indirect painting, which means that you build up many layers of paint to create the full picture instead of putting exact colors straight onto a canvas.
I started off my stretching and priming my canvas. I also put on a coat of dark orange paint as an undercoat.
After this, I figured out my composition, which was really difficult doing it for the first time. I chose to go with a color scheme of blues, tans, and grays. I also used a white cloth for the background.

After that I drew out my composition onto the canvas with vine charcoal. Then I wiped off most of it and was left with a light guide for my paint.

I started painting in the shadows lightly by mixing a brown color with solvent. I had to determine what tomes were dark, midtone, and light to do this.
When I finished that I moved on to mixing white with solvent and painting in the lights of the composition.
Then I began adding color. I went in layers and decided it worked best for me to work one object at a time, even though I probably shouldn't have done that. The finished product turned out decently realistic (especially the sunglasses, in my opinion).
